Implementation in the High School
Program Development activities are an important aspect of GMU’s CAPH services. Not only do the resources assist with others’ initiatives, but professionals at GMU’s CAPH also prepare approaches for direct implementation. This applied approach brings to action the philosophies espoused by GMU’s CAPH. Noteworthy within this segment are recommendations emanating from two studies – one is national in scope and the other of a local nature. These are based on insights from adults and youth with these distinct protocols.

Understanding Teen Drinking Cultures in America
This national study, including focus groups with teens, key informant interviews, are not discussions, interviews with experts, and a literature review provides insights regarding ways of promoting positive choices about alcohol consumption. High schools, as part of a community approach, have an opportunity and responsibility to address the culture surrounding teen drinking in ways that better resonate with and have an impact upon teens. This report generates an understanding of youth decisions, and specifies recommendations for schools and communities, as well as avenues for future research. See literature review and the complete appendices for this report.

Loudoun County Teen Report
This study of youth issues was conducted to aid county leaders orchestrate youth services and programs. Attention is provided to community youth development through a brief literature review and published results from community based strategies focusing on youth. Findings from telephone interviews, youth focus groups and key informant interviews result in a series of recommendations within a strategic planning framework.