Creating a Strategic Plan for College Students
Strategic Planning serves as the central core for many of GMU’s CAPH initiatives. The range of projects and resources offered by GMU’s CAPH provides assistance to individuals and organizations as they seek to achieve their own goals. Some of the evaluation approaches focus specifically on helping organizations improve their services, and selected training activities and resources assist organizations with implementing meaningful approaches. Of particular note is the Action Planner, a strategic planning document identifying an 8-step process for institutionalizing a targeted effort.

Best of CHOICES Video
This video provides a brief overview of the Best of CHOICES resource published by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. With commentary by NCAA's President and testimonials from college practitioners, this serves as a great starting point to inspire and guide program planners. Case studies are highlighted from the over 100 campus-based CHOICES grants awarded over a ten-year period.
Best of Choices (Video)
Best of CHOICES searchable database
Find program, training, policy and other strategies for addressing campus alcohol issues. Search on key words or topic areas, with the ability to limit your search based on institutional demographics such as institutional size, public/private status, state, or Athletic Division. Gather specific ideas with campus program abstracts and sample materials from over 100 CHOICES programs on campus.
Promising Practices Action Planner
The Action Planner offers a step-by-step guide for developing the campus alcohol abuse prevention efforts. This eight-step process aids campus leaders and task force members with conceptualizing, prioritizing, organizing, and monitoring campus strategies. It offers worksheets and resource materials helpful for orchestrating meaningful campus strategies.
Action Planner (pdf)
Promising Practices Task Force Planner
Comprehensive alcohol abuse prevention effforts are a shared responsibility for the campus community. This resource identifies eight types of approach (from policy and enforcement to awarenesss and support services) and ten involved groups or organizations (from community). Envisioned as an 8x10 grid, several strategies are identified wth each approach for every group.
Task Force Planner (pdf)
COMPASS Roadmap: Destination Health (Implementation Guide)
Orchestrated around the COMPASS resource with numerous life health topics, COMPASS Roadmap helps with adapting or adopting this creative approach for promoting healthy living. Complete with video footage about the seven life health principles upon which COMPASS is based, this incorporates various plannning resources. COMPASS Roadmap includes an eight-step process, with a video-taped narration and student responses provided.
COMPASS ImplementationGuide (pdf)